
St. Patrick's Day T-shirts - SALE $4 off all shirts!

Get $4 off your St. Patrick's Day t-shirts, funny St. Patrick's shirts, and Irish t-shirts to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

Shop hundreds of fun St. Patty's t-shirts, with shamrocks, leprechauns, green beer, and more! Save $4 on each shirt you buy! Use code PATTYSHIRT09 at checkout. Offer expires 3/3/09, and valid only in our shops at Zazzle.

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Manz said...

Every Irish person that I've meet has been hillarious!!

Do you follow American Idol at all? Plan on featuring any designs for the new season?

Fun T-shirts said...

thanks for your comment Manz! I haven't been following Idol lately, and I know that people have had trouble making shirts related to the show & using people's names... copyright issues. Take care :)